A downloadable tool for Windows

This is a test version of my in-house image editor. It is node graph based and initially was developed to make textures out of raw photos. The idea was to create a program with two viewports to visually control the differences of applying an operation.

No documentation currently.

Note: this program doesn't support camera raw formats, but it supports 16-bit PNG for import, which is also supported by most digital camera software (for export). A hint: you should export the image without any processing options (except for the white balance probably) (check out the documentation on your camera software for more info).

Some description:

- There are two viewports, the input and the output, which gather the data from the input and the output pins of the active node correspondingly. You can lock the viewport with the 'L' button so that it won't slip away when you change the node. You can also change the active pins of the node itself (it is selected with a rect on the node).

- The graph window contains the processing graph. You can add nodes with the RMB and drag connections from one node's output pins to another node's input pins (the value type must be matched).

- When you select a node there is a node control (filter) panel at the right. Each node has its own filter panel. The node parameters are changed here.

- Under the filter panel there are controls to select what channel to operate on (some nodes support this). The manual update flag turns off the auto-update when the node parameters are changed (you'll have to hit the corresponding update buttons manually).

- The load and save file operations are performed with the image import and export nodes (RMB->File->).

- The Image (RMB->Image) section contains the basic image operations.

- There is a huge Paint node in the Tools section (which is practically an image editor on itself).

- The Flow section contains some programming (automation) features.

- You can check out some example graphs via File->Load Template...

Note: the name is draft.. I've already seen a program with this name here, but it has been the name for the program for the development time and I can't come out with a better name right now.

More videos:



TexturizerPilot_0.5.0.zip 1.4 MB