A downloadable demo for Windows

A 3D engine for games like Battlefield 1942 / Battlefield 2 (other types of games may be supported via editing the game DLL).

Completely unfinished.

The making games for this engine should look like making mods for Battlefield (this is the concept). In the sense that you edit the data files (which is not coding yet). But if you want to code then there's a game DLL (which allows much more flexibility, practically allows to move away from the concept of a Battlefield game proposed in the above).

Currently only a proto.

I started it for my own Battlefield like game a time ago. The game isn't there, but here's a demo of the engine itself (pretty basic stuff)..


  • The engine is currently able to work on DirectX11 and DirectX12 (by a choice). Also an OpenGL stub is planned.
  • Currently incorporates PhysX 5.3.1 as the physics engine
  • The demo map is about 1x1 km, more than 100.000 objects (trees and bushes)


  • The DirectX12 driver is faster, but slower to load (about to fix)
  • The collision primitives for the objects are currently impostors only, so you can see some discrepancies between the visual and the physical representations (like running into invisible objects, etc.). This is about to fix as well.

Oh, yes. This demo has no tanks currently. I'm sorry. :)

Published 5 days ago
Tags3D, battlefield, Game engine, Prototype, World War II


TE2.zip 16 MB

Install instructions

The readme file in the archive contains the description for the available controls.

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