A downloadable demo for Windows

Note: both "Tank Roller" and "Terrain Engine" are just sketchy development names. I haven't yet come out with a good name for it.. These both names refer to the same thing..

Check out the news here:

A 3D engine for games like Battlefield 1942 / Battlefield 2 (other types of games can be supported via editing the game DLL (C++ code)).

Completely unfinished.

Creating games for this engine should be very much like creating mods for Battlefield. The tool chain and the workflow should be very similar to what you used to have in BF42/BF2. The .dat files for example are syntaxically very similar to the .con files from Battlefield. In addition to that there's a possibility to edit the source code (at least that part of it that is related to gameplay).

I started it for my own game some time ago. The game isn't there, but here's a demo of the engine itself.. (pretty basic stuff yet)

Change log

Update (Oct 27, 2024):

  • Fixed object stripes popping up in the far away.
  • The LOD distance was also increased a bit (see Objects/LodSelectors) to decrease the overall popping (not a good solution, but this is until the proper vertex morphing).

Changes in October 25 2024:

  • Vehicle system (includes chassis, engine, transmission, wheels, etc.).
  • UI framework.
  • The base for skeletal animation (currently can be spotted at the tank tracks).
  • Some minor graphics tweaks, a bit better shadows.
  • The DX12 driver has been removed so far (an OpenGL driver will be introduced soon).

Changes in June 26 2024:

  • The collisions are now true meshes that fit the objects well (they were simple PhysX primitives in the previous version).
  • Introducing the object template system (the Data/ folder). You can really change the objects right now. Not many features supported, but it's the backbone for the future improvements. The object placement system is in the Assets/Levels/Features.ini file.



  • The player controller is not perfect currently (may get stuck, etc).. It's a draft variant that will be replaced later.


  • The engine is currently able to work on DirectX11 and DirectX12 via an abstraction interface. Also an OpenGL stub is planned.
  • Currently incorporates PhysX 5.4.2 as the physics engine


TE2 (Oct 27, 2024).zip 23 MB

Install instructions

The readme file in the archive contains the description for the available controls.

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